
At ACEDE-Spanish Academy of Management we have a continuous concern for scientific rigor and the advancement of knowledge through debate and constructive criticism. Therefore, in accordance with International Scientific standards, two specialized reviewers will generally evaluate anonymously all manuscripts submitted to the Conference. Those manuscripts that are accepted will be considered for an oral presentation at different parallel sessions or discussed at “interactive tables”. In both cases, papers will be grouped according to the topic they address. Furthermore, thesis projects will also be submitted and assessed, so that the ones selected will be orally presented either in a doctoral workshop or in a Coloquium-Doctoral.

Hence, in order for all accepted works to be presented at the Conference, they will follow a constructive double assessment. Firstly, each piece of work will receive an evaluation, including suggestions of improvement by two anonymous reviewers specialized in the topic. Additionally, all accepted works will also receive a constructive public criticism. If a piece of work is accepted for oral presentation, this criticism will be carried out by a senior discussant. If the piece of work is accepted for presentation at an “interactive table”, suggestions will be carried out by the remaining participants at the table and by the president of the session.

Thesis projects already accepted for presentation will receive a report by either a reviewer and the president of the session, or by professors of renowned international prestige.

The development of the Conference will be structured in the following way:

  1. Thematic meetings of ACEDE’s Special Interest Groups-SIGs: during the Pre-Conference, the different SIGs will organize meetings to address several topics related to teaching, research and knowledge transfer to society.
  2. Plenary sessions: they will consist of keynote speeches and round tables within the framework of the contents referred to in the title of the Conference.
  3. Parallel paper sessions: oral presentations will be organized by areas in different meeting rooms. The committee will assign to each paper a discussant. This will ensure feedback apart from the comments that it may receive by the attendees at the meeting room. Three to four working papers will be presented per session.
  4. Interactive paper discussion sessions: papers will be presented in an abbreviated form without audiovisual means. They will be debated subsequently by the rest of the members of the table. Four to five works will be presented per session.
  5. Doctoral workshops: these are small group meetings which provide a forum for constructive debate in order to improve the quality of the thesis projects presented. The thesis projects will be orally presented and will be organized by theme areas. Each project will have a discussant to ensure feedback on the work, apart from the comments it may receive by the workshop president and the attendees at the meeting room.