Guidelines for the “interactive tables” presentations
The dynamics of the “interactive tables” works in a similar way to the “roundtable discussion”, and thus try to share and exchange ideas in a more personal way. There is NO formal way of presenting works in Power Point; instead, around the table you´ll find the authors of different works discussing in an informal way. The President of each table will be in charge of coordinating the session and briefly commenting the works presented, encouraging discussion amongst the rest of the session attendees.
The time needed for each session will be structured in two phases. In the first phase all works are presented, whereas in the second phase they are discussed by the members of the table. The president acts as a moderator to ensure that the times are respected and comments and suggestions are offered.
The authors at the interactive tables will have a maximum time of 10 minutes to present their work without the help of audiovisual means. We strongly request that this norm is strictly abided in order to ensure the smooth course of the sessions. To encourage discussion and debate during the second phase of the session, it would be very useful to hand out to the participants of the tables a summary of the work no more than 2 pages long.
The format of the interactive tables is different from the oral presentations. Therefore, the authors should focus on the following three aspects:
The topic of the research paper and discuss why it´s interesting.
The main findings of the work. Explain how they have been reached and to what extent it is an advancement in the literature and hence in the scientific knowledge.
Which are the future research lines.
The second phase of the session dedicated to debate should have the following objectives:
Provide suggestions for the improvement of the work.
Determine how specific ideas of each study presented at the interactive tables could benefit the future development of the rest of the participant works of a particular table.